Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Live Wallpaper! Nuclear Rabbits

The craziness continues! My new rabbits wallpaper!
This time it's more of a "designer's" wallpaper :P nothing ultra cleaver, i just put the emphasis on the design this time, and its totally free! Hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bubbles Wallpaper available!

just  a quick post, since i already made a post about my bubbly wallpaper, i just want to say that it's now available for sale on Google Play :) it's really cute, you should check it out!

i made a few fixes, and added a new background image, hope you like it!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Meditating Kitties live wallpaper!

i'm having crazy fun making live wallpapers for android! by a friend's request, i made this floating kitties wallpaper, the kitties will float endlessly up and will slide and roll on the edges :) its pretty sweet!
this time it's for sale, no freebies! 
check it out on Google Play.

Meditating Kitties live wallpaper - click here!

the bubbly live wallpaper is also coming soon to Google play, stay tuned :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bubbly Wallpaper for Android!

if you remember, one of my older posts was about a bubbles particle system i made for flash that looked really cool (you can look in here!), since i got all into android programming, i figured making a live wallpaper from these bubbles should be sweet! so lo and behold, my awesome live bubbly wallpaper :D
using the orientation sensor i made the bubbles go upwards, no matter how you're holding there phone.
please watch the video in HD, it looks so much better :P

it's not yet finished though..  still some fixes to be made, but it looks cool eh? :D
hopefully in my next post it will already be on Google Play with a few extra themes!